Thursday, May 22, 2008

Life of a Boy

Bryce had to make a tough decision tonight. Should he go to his baseball game or should he go to the Stake Pinwood Derby. It was a very hard choice he had to make. But he chose to go to baseball because he already went to a Pinewood Derby. rained today so his baseball game was cancelled. So he ended up going to the Pinewood Derby.

He is loving baseball. He is one of the older boys on his team. So he isn't one of the ones that sit and draw pictures in the dirt while he is out in the field.
I had to add this picture. Because I have never seen him jump this high before. It cracked me up. And no he wasn't trying to catch a ball.
Bryce's Pinewood Derby came in second place tonight. He won every heat he was in. The kid that took first place just happened to get a better time than he did in a different heat. His fastest time was 3 thousandth of a second faster than Bryce's fastest time. It was pretty high tech. Bryce got a medal. He informed us that he only raced for fun and not for any prizes. I guess he was listening to all the lectures that we gave him before we left.
Tomorrow is his last day of second grade. He thinks that he is going to play with his friends and with video games all summer. I won't ruin his dreams yet!!


Adam and Andrea said...

That's some serious air he got. So what dreams are you smashing for the summer? Good luck and happy camping.

Becky and Sundance said...

What an awesome baseball player!!! I can't wait to come and watch a game.

Merodene said...

Fun boy!!! Good luck with the baseball!! Jake wants to play catch with you at the bring your mit! Also....nice car!!